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Otherton Airfield is PPR only


PPR requests can be made to:


Vanessa Burke: 07814 881189


Rob Burke: 07966 130310


If radio equipped please call 5 miles inbound on 129.830


Please note our no fly zones and approaches detailed below. In particular note the additional procedures for the Runway 34 approach which are mandatory due to livestock under the flightpath.


No rotary traffic except for police and air  ambulance due to noise restrictions.


Free Landing Fee

Airfield position: N52°42.52 W002°05.68


1.0 mile South East of Penkridge 


Approach from East/West ONLY, not below 1000 feet avoiding no fly zones. For map of approaches and no fly zones click:




Circuit Height is 500ft agl
Runway Details

Runway  07   330 metres  Grass   2.5% upslope for first 80m

Runway 16   300 metres  Grass

Runway  25   330 metres  Grass   2.5% downslope for last 80m
Runway  34   300 metres  Grass
Runway 34 approach options
Runways  11/29   208 metres  Grass
Pooleys 2020 airfield plate
Otherton circuit video (courtesy of G Wiley)

Otherton Airfield

Micklewood Lane



ST19 5NX​


Vanessa Burke: 07814 881189

​Rob Burke:        07966 130310


Airfield Rules and Standing Orders



Airfield Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday  


08:00 - 20:00

09:00 - 17:00

The Flying Pan Opening Hours



09:30 - 15:00

09:30 - 12:00

Visitors to Otherton Airfield are required to abide by all rules, regulations, and operational guidelines of Otherton Airfield Limited (“the Airfield”), including (but not limited to) the Rules. These rules are designed to ensure safety, security, and proper management of the Airfield. Failure to comply with the Airfield’s rules may result in restricted access, additional fees, or termination of Airfield privileges. A copy of the Rules is available on this website or upon request. Use of the Airfield constitutes acceptance of these terms.

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